- 2020/10/01
- 翻訳・英語
ABC ニュースでこんな言葉をみつけました。
Republicans are in lockstep with the president and on track to confirm his Supreme Court pick before Election Day. (共和党はトランプ氏と歩調を合わせて大統領選前に最高裁判事を承認する模様だ。)
1. (military) A step whereby the toe of one man is brought very close to the heel of the man in front. (前の人のかかとに自分のつま先をくっつける歩き方)
(figuratively) Close connection, unison, rigid synchronization.
2. a way of marching in very close file, in which the leg of each person moves with and closely behind the corresponding leg of the person ahead. (前の人の足のすぐ後ろに同じ足をぴたりとくっつけて同じ動きをする行進の方法)
a rigidly inflexible pattern or process. (まったく融通の利かないやり方)
ex) a lockstep educational curriculum.~~
- unparalleled achievement (比類なき功績)
- towering intellect (高度な知性)
- sterling credentials(卓越した資質)
- unyielding loyalty (揺るぎない忠誠心)